Have You Considered Fiberglass Roofing for Your Home?

Roofing for private homes is most often made of roof tiles. This allows you to create a perfect facade look, regardless of the style of the exterior. A Fiberglass roof has a long service life, it is not exposed to the weather conditions and does not let moisture penetrate.

Fiberglass covered with a special material is used for the manufacture of roof tiles. Ceramic granules provide protection from UV rays. The properties of the coating can be compared with models made of organic materials, but the composition is fundamentally different. Such products contain paper or natural wood, and fiberglass materials are artificial and natural fibers. They are lightweight and do not emit toxic substances, ideal during the construction of eco-houses.

Three-piece roof tiles

The most popular tile is the one that has three protrusions. It is most often used for the construction of residential homes. The appearance is three separate protrusions that completely repeat each other. The advantages of this type are:

  • low weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • no need for regular maintenance.

Laconic design is suitable for decorating the exterior of any style. All tiles are made in one size and minimal palette, so there are other, more colorful options for those who want to create a real castle out of their home.

The cost of such tiles is much lower than other models. The service life is also different from the architectural models. Therefore, this option is better suited for the temporary renovation of the roof of the house.

Architectural roof tiles

Stylish variants of shingles are designed for decorating the roofs of elite mansions. Reliable materials are used for production of these tiles – fiberglass with mineral granules of ceramics on top. The base is made of asphalt crumb.

The combination of materials allows you to create a tile with incredible properties. It does not let the moisture, cold air in, so it is perfect for installation on the roofs of homes in regions with poor weather conditions.

The appearance of architectural roofing is tile in different sizes and shapes. The elements are placed on top of each other during installation. A multi-layered texture is created. Stunning appearance is guaranteed, and the design can be chosen based on the overall decoration of the exterior. The catalog of each company that produces roof tiles offers a variety of design options (a wide palette of colors, unusual textures).

Owners who prefer stylish decor of their own home often give preference to products that imitate wood, slate or other types of materials. Such houses look more spectacular, noticeably different from other constructions.

Bitumen roof tile

Organic shingles are also often used to design the roof of residential homes. Non-synthetic materials are used for production, which have a lot of positive properties. The basis is paper, but the finished tile is more durable and thicker compared to models made exclusively of fiberglass.

Such a roof has a number of positive aspects:

  • it is not affected by natural phenomena (wind, heavy rain and snow will not damage the coating);
  • in case of sharp temperature fluctuations, the tile will not break or crack;
  • it is resistant to fire;
  • it has a lower cost.

Installing a bitumen roof is not difficult, so the repair work will take a minimum of time. It is enough to contact the experts who work in your region to finish the exterior of your home.

Advantages of a roofing

The first thing to consider when choosing shingles is the weather conditions. If rainy days are prevalent in the region, you should opt for a bitumen roof tile. Thanks to the fiberglass layer, the material’s thermal resistance is increased. Maximum insulation and sealing of the house are provided.

The service life of roof tiles is up to 30 years. During this time the roof does not fade, retains its original form and properties. If desired, you can reinforce the design or replace it with another version of the shingles after the specified period.

Residents of regions with high fire risk should choose the material for the roof with caution. It is worth rejecting the organic shingles – it contains paper, which is easily flammable. It is better to stop at more resistant materials that will provide protection for your home.

The cost of roof tiles

The cheapest roofing option will be fiberglass shingles. The cost is up to $120, and work costs are not included in the price. You should contact a professional near you to find out how much the work will cost. After installation, you will receive a warranty on the work done and an additional 25 years from the manufacturer, during which time damaged elements will be replaced.

Architectural roof tile is more expensive. It is much more difficult to lay it on the roof, so the price of specialist services also increases. During the calculation of the final cost, not only the area of the roof, but also the slope, ease of installation and more are taken into account.

If you want a more detailed price list, consult the contractors. You can choose specialists on the Homequote website. We have collected the best offers from reliable companies that have years of experience in construction work. You can choose the professionals on your own or leave a request, specifying the type of work you need and the materials you want to use. Specialists will contact you, and then you can choose the best option in terms of price and completion time.

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